Famous Golf Screw-Ups

Sometimes, when we’re having a bad round, thinking about the pros can really get us down. “How come it’s so easy for the pros, yet when I play, I always shank it onto the other fairway?” First of all, the pros started when they were still in their cribs and they practice 24/7. But if …


Famous Slices: Mickelson’s Mess Up

At Pause-N-Throw, we like to talk about how curing a slice can help to avoid slipups and bad rounds. But, ironically, sometimes not being able to slice can really mess things up. Let’s look at on famous example, courtesy of this article. In the 2006 US open, Phil Mickelson found himself in a tough spot …


3 Great Swing Plane Graphics

The swing plane is one of the most important parts of golf, and one of the most difficult things to visualize. We here at Pause-N-Throw know the importance of visualizing the swing plane in order to cure a slice or hook, give yourself more distance, and play all around better golf. Here are a couple …


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14: Realistic?

So it’s fair to assume that Wii Golf, a video game featuring stick figure characters made six years ago, won’t exactly be able to convincingly replicate the experience of swinging a golf club. But what about the most up-to-date, photo realistic, physics team tested video game which sets out to give you the most true-to-life …
