Pause-N-Go Golf was founded by Philip Reed, an award winning novelist and sports writer, and an avid golfer. After writing In Search of the Greatest Golf Swing, a biography of Mike Austin, he began looking for a way to better teach the Mike Austin golf swing. A prototype was developed and tested on the range with golfers who wanted to cure a slice or cure a hook or get better distance. Philip also wrote the training manual The Pause-N-Go Swing and developed the Pause-n-Throw training aid.
The Pause-N-Throw golf swing trainer has been sold in dozens of countries around the world. The most often cited benefit from golfers looking to cure a slice or gain distance is that it helps “drop the club into the slot.” One 4-handicap golfer, when he ordered a second Pause-N-Throw said, ‘This is the best golf swing trainer I’ve ever used.”