When you play golf on the road, it can be intimidating. Using a training aid can be a way to help you play better, but training aids have their downsides as well when you travel. Let’s take a look at how and how not to use your training aids when you are traveling.
First of all, it helps to know what not to do. In general, it helps not to change your training aid usage too much. Doing so may be a shock to your system, and psych you out on the new course. As a side note to this, when you’re on a trip, it’s not a good time to start using a new aid, or trying to work an area of your game you haven’t worked on yet. Familiarity is key, it will help you chart a course through unfamiliar territory.
In terms of what to do, think strategically. Look at the layout of the course you’re going to play. If it has difficult greens, go for a putting training aid. If it’s long, work on distance. If it’s narrow with lots of hazards, accuracy is key. In general, it’s a good idea to use smaller, simpler training aids. And that’s what’s so great about the Pause-N-Throw. It’s easy to carry around, and a great part of your training routine! Try one now and you’re bound to do better when you set out on an unfamiliar course.