Well, the headline is a little misleading but the idea is right. Our swing training aid, the Pause-N-Throw, started with the idea of a new type of golf swing, the Pause-N-Go Swing. We even wrote an e-book about it. Gradually, the book has become overshadowed by the product, which is fine. But recently, I went to an event where famed golf instructor, David Leadbetter, interviewed PGA rising star Chris Kirk. Noting Kirk’s unhurried swing, Leadbetter asked him how he did it. Kirk said he often takes the club back, comes to a full pause, then swings down.
Listening to this I thought: “By God, that’s the Pause-N-Go swing!” I began to follow Kirk’s advice (and my own earlier advice), and tried using the Pause-N-Go drill again.
For those reading this, you can mention this blog and we will email you the Pause-N-Go e-book absolutely free at pausengogolfing@gmail.com. This offer is good for all of November. I know this is nearly too good to believe but we’re serious. And while you’re at it, why not order the Pause-N-Throw golf training aid?