It’s a new year, and despite the fact that the winter weather makes it hard for many golfers out there to hit the course, it’s also a good time to take stock of what’s new in the golfing world. So, here we go:
– The PGA Tour website predicts it’s going to be another big year for Rory McIlroy. Nonetheless, they don’t rule out that someone may step up to bring him down.
– It’s going to be the last year for belly putters in the PGA tour. For many, saying goodbye will be painful as it has helped many a golfing pro sink a winning put. On the other hand, it may be a good excuse for golfers to reduce the size of their bellies.
– CBS Sports predicts that this year, a Global Tour may be established. That would be a big thing for golfers who don’t happen to hail from the US or Europe, but it might also mean having to stay up to 4 AM to watch the winning put for some tournament in India.
Oh, and one more prediction for 2015: anyone who tries out our device, the Pause-N-Throw, will make huge improvements to their game. Why not give it a try?