At Pause-N-Throw we’re all about examining creative cures for one of golf’s most troublesome issues: the slice. Recently, we looked at attempts to cure a slice with hypnotism, and this time around, we’re going to have a look at another slice cure that takes a similar tack.
The power of music is undeniable, and music has a very unique effect on the thought process. Many times, when we hear a familiar song, it takes us back to where we were when we first heard the song. For that reason, music has become a way for advertisers to sell their products: a catchy (or frequently annoying) jingle is a great way to make people remember to buy specific brands of things.
But thankfully, the memory-inducing capacity of music can be used for more than just to sell corn flakes or alka-selzer. If you start your practice session with a good piece of music going (it helps to use a training aid, like the Pause-N-Throw, so you’re not teaching yourself the wrong motion), and then play that song again right before playing, it may possibly help you subconsciously remember how to make the correct motion and avoid a slice. Of course, this technique won’t necessarily work with everyone. But it’s a good thing to try before each round, and at the very least, it’s an excuse to listen to some of your favorite tunes before teeing off.